Pet Digital X-ray

Our clinic uses radiographs to diagnose a variety of medical conditions.


Pet Digital X-ray

Pets Health Veterinary Practices is proud to offer digital diagnostic X-rays so that your pet can get the treatment they need quickly. Our clinic uses radiographs to diagnose a variety of medical conditions, from bone-related diseases to soft tissue problems.

One of the most common health concerns in older pets is osteoarthritis, a type of inflammation that occurs in the joints. While some pets are genetically predisposed to joint pain, others may have it localized to a specific area due to an old injury. If your pet experiences stiffness or obvious signs of pain when they’re getting up or lying back down, we suggest bringing them in for diagnostic X-rays to rule out other possible causes. It will also tell us just how far arthritis has advanced, helping us determine the best treatment course for your pet’s individual situation.

X-Ray Diagnostics

If your pet has recently been in an accident or has experienced physical trauma, there’s a chance they may have fractured or broken bones. Our veterinarian can use X-ray diagnostics to determine the extent of the injury.

Beyond the bones, x-rays are commonly used to figure out if an animal has a blockage somewhere in their digestive tract. From rocks to socks, we’ve seen it all. If your pet is experiencing symptoms of an obstruction, including gastrointestinal distress or vomiting, it’s important to get them in quickly for assessment, as these can be life-threatening.
