Pet Desexing

Desexed animals generally live longer and healthier lives.

Pet Desexing

Desexing your pets is one of the best things you can do for both the animal community and your individual pet. Toward this end, Pets Health Veterinary Practices is committed to helping animal owners responsibly and safely desex pets in our clinics. Please keep in mind that according to South Australia’s laws, all new generations of dogs and cats (born after 1 July 2018) will need to be desexed.

When you prevent a litter of kittens and puppies, you make it easier for every animal to find their way to a forever home. There are a few common myths associated with animal desexing that may prevent pet owners from making well-informed decisions. Some people are concerned about their animals gaining an unhealthy amount of weight after the procedure. Others are worried that the surgery will change their pet’s temperament for the worse. Still, more have heard that pets of a certain size or breed shouldn’t be desexed for health reasons. We can assure you that none of these myths is true, and our hope is that pet owners will feel comfortable reaching out to us to get the facts about desexing procedures.

Reasons to Consider

On top of all that, there are some great health-related reasons to consider when thinking about desexing your pet. Desexed animals generally live longer and healthier lives, with lower rates of certain forms of cancer. And though we mentioned that their personalities won’t change for the worse, the procedure can, in fact, help mellow out a high-stress or aggressive pet.

As with any surgery involving anesthesia, there are some risks associated with it. We work to minimise these by performing pre-anesthetic blood tests to ensure their overall health before starting. Our clinics use gas anesthetic, allowing for accurate administration and fast adjustments where needed throughout the procedure. We monitor your pet’s vital signs throughout, including their oxygen levels and heart rate. Once the surgery is done, your pet will stay with us to recover for a few hours before we send them home with you later that same day. We’ll discuss at-home care and pain medication options available after the procedure. If you have any questions, you should always feel free to contact us at the clinic.
