Deciding when to desex your pet is a key consideration for every pet owner, especially as desexing is compulsory in South Australia for all dogs and cats born after 1 July 2018.

For cats, the timing is usually straightforward, with most being desexed between 5 and 6 months. This not only promotes their long-term health but also helps prevent common issues like strong odours in males and behavioural challenges in females, who can become restless as they reach sexual maturity.

For dogs, the decision can be a bit more complex. Recent research suggests that waiting longer may be beneficial for certain breeds or individual pets. When we discuss desexing with you, we take into account several factors, including your pet’s breed, temperament, any health concerns, as well as your lifestyle and home environment. This conversation typically happens during your pet's 6-month adolescent health check, ensuring we make the best choice together.

If you would like to discuss your pet's needs or would like to book an appointment call us at 08 8381-2300.




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123 Main South Road, O’Halloran Hill, SA 5158


Offers mobile services right at your doorstep.


211 Henley Beach Road, Torrensville 5031

Contact Us

O'Halloran Hill Vet Centre


Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM-6:00 PM
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

**We are closed on weekends and public holidays.

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